Indoor air

Indoor air quality is crucial to providing people with a healthy environment that has no effect on their productivity or well-being.

Indoor air quality and carbon dioxide CO2 

Indoor air quality is crucial to providing people with a healthy environment that has no effect on their productivity or well-being. Air quality is dependent on air temperature, humidity and pollution. The air temperature in rooms can be regulated with the help of heating and cooling systems, humidity with humidification equipment, while pollution can be resolved through room ventilation. 

Indoor air quality is crucial to providing people with a healthy environment that has no effect on their productivity or well-being. Air quality is dependent on air temperature, humidity and pollution. The air temperature in rooms can be regulated with the help of heating and cooling systems, humidity with humidification equipment, while pollution can be resolved through room ventilation. However, all is not that simple. These are interrelated and interdependent factors, which transform apparently simple air quality control into a nuanced and refined system of regulation.

For example, air humidity should be considered in relative measurement units, because depending on air temperature, the saturation of air humidity varies. In this example, let’s assume a closed room contains 10 litres of water in the air, which at an air temperature of +20 °C makes up 30% of relative humidity. This degree of moisture is healthy for humans and is harmless to the eyes, skin and respiratory system. However, if the air temperature rises to + 24 °C, the relative humidity at the same absolute humidity will already be 22%, which will increasingly cause the skin, eyes and airways to dry out. Air ventilation is also a major cause of dehydration during the heating season – if the relative humidity of the air outdoors at 10 °C is 50%, heating this air to + 20 °C will reduce its relative humidity to just 8%. Therefore it is crucial, when thinking about air quality, to not only to regulate these criteria with the technical solutions available, but also to prevent overheating, over-cooling and over-ventilation of buildings.

About over-ventilation in particular

Just like overheating of a building, over-ventilation denotes an unnecessary process that causes major loss of heat in winter and loss of cold energy in summer without making a contribution to the regulation of the level of indoor comfort – a heated room that is already warm and ventilated, when air to be ventilated is no longer fresher than that indoors.

Just like overheating of a building, over-ventilation denotes an unnecessary process that causes major loss of heat in winter and loss of cold energy in summer without making a contribution to the regulation of the level of indoor comfort – a heated room that is already warm and ventilated, when air to be ventilated is no longer fresher than that indoors.

Over-ventilation is the most challenging and invisible building energy efficiency problems, because quite simply it is impossible for a person to detect standard air pollution in living spaces with his indoor sensor systems. Excessive levels of CO2 in the human brain can only be detected in the blood, which responds with blood pressure. However, even if pollution exceeds 10,000 PPM (parts per million) and becomes life-threatening, one cannot detect the level of CO2 in the air. Moreover, a person cannot tell that a room has been ventilated or that the pollution inside is balanced with the air level outdoors, where, of course, pollution also exists. For example, the level of CO2 gas outdoors exceeds 400 PPM throughout our entire atmosphere. The human body replaces things that it cannot detect with things it can, with the effect that we unconsciously end up mistakenly measuring the quality of air composition according to temperature. In winter, a cool room appears to be ventilated, whereas a heated room seems stuffy. This is not a criterion for air composition, and should be regulated with instruments influencing temperature like radiators, while appropriate sensors should be used for the air quality criterion, or alternatively classically mathematically calculated guidelines can also serve as a ventilation criterion. For example, in a workroom, windows can be fully opened every 4 hours for 15 minutes. The explanation for this is as follows: over a 4 hour period, the CO2 level in the room will most likely not exceed 2000 PPM, while 15 minutes is sufficient to fully ventilate air indoors. Using appropriate sensors, ventilation intervals and volumes can be regulated much more precisely, thus making it possible to prevent ventilation.

Sensors used for measuring air quality

In principle, when it comes to ascertaining the composition of air, two categories of sensors can be used. CO2 gas sensors (the most common are NDIR – nondispersive infrared type sensors, while recently photoacoustic sensors have also become available) and VOC – volatile organic compound pollution sensors. The first type of sensor is very popular with the public for obvious reasons – CO2 gas is the main component of our exhalation; its level in the exhaled air is about 38,000 PPM. Therefore, sensors of this type are adept at indicating the degree of exhalation within a room, which is the primary source of pollution in the living space.

In principle, when it comes to ascertaining the composition of air, two categories of sensors can be used. CO2 gas sensors (the most common are NDIR – nondispersive infrared type sensors, while recently photoacoustic sensors have also become available) and VOC – volatile organic compound pollution sensors. The first type of sensor is very popular with the public for obvious reasons – CO2 gas is the main component of our exhalation; its level in the exhaled air is about 38,000 PPM. Therefore, sensors of this type are adept at indicating the degree of exhalation within a room, which is the primary source of pollution in the living space. In turn, ventilating CO2 also ventilates other types of pollution. However, CO2 sensors also have significant flaws, which is why we do not advise using them to automatically adjust ventilation criteria. Firstly, as an air quality indicator, such sensors will only be correct if the main pollutant is human exhalation. However, if this is not the case, these sensors will mislead users regarding the air quality in the room. Examples include freshly painted walls or new furniture generating significant chemical fumes, which often have odours that even people can detect, but which will not be recognized as pollution by CO2 sensors. Likewise, organic pollution in pre-school education institutions could be caused by air pollution from kids’ diapers, while in the workplace, the source could be a worker who’s just come in after smoking outside. Of course, people can also detect these air pollutants, but automated ventilation with a CO2 sensor cannot detect such pollution. While this is still considered a random drawback for such sensors, then the second flaw is even more important – one idiosyncrasy of the design of CO2 sensors is their inability to ascertain the absolute CO2 level with the help of fresh air without calibration. Therefore, these sensors will only show CO2 levels if they are calibrated regularly. In the majority of cases, this calibration is integrated into sensors in this category automatically. By accumulating historical data over a period of time, the sensor equates it to the known condition that the CO2 level of outdoor air is 400 PPM. Accordingly, at least once a week, the sensor must be allowed to measure the CO2 level in an absolutely ventilated room or using air from outdoors. If the room has been ventilated for 15 minutes with the window fully open, this is can be done but if the CO2 measurement is utilized as the basis for regulating ventilation, eventually the sensor will erroneously reduce the CO2 level to a degree lower than its actual level, and in a significantly polluted room, the sensor will wrongly indicate that the air quality is that of fresh air.

The second type of sensors are VOC – volatile organic compound sensors, which are technologically much simpler, as well as a lot cheaper and easier to use. They can capture less widespread, but a much wider range of gases, including those found in human exhalation. Accordingly, if one assumes that the main source of indoor air pollution is human exhalation, knowing the proportions of the composition of the exhaled air, one can also calculate the theoretical indoor CO2 level, which could be called the CO2 equivalent, or eCO2 level. Top quality sensors do this calculation very precisely, and one of their apparent disadvantages is actually their main advantage – they also take other types of indoor pollution in eCO2 units into account. This is why we use high-quality Bosch Sensortec GmbH VOC sensors in our wall panels, which can not only precisely calculate the CO2 level if the source of the room’s pollution is human exhalation, but will also show an increased level of CO2 if there is other health-hazardous pollution in the room. Moreover, Bosch sensors calculate the total air quality index based on all perceived types of pollution. This index is considered to be the best criterion for determining air quality, contrary to the generally accepted public view that CO2 is the only form of pollution. When choosing this type of air quality monitoring equipment, it is vital to check its certification according to ISO 16000-29: 2014. Otherwise, the selected equipment may not be accurate and may deceive users in regard to air quality readings.  

management of the control of the spread of Covid-19

One subject area widely studied in the context of Covid-19 in 2020 is restriction of the spread of viral infections indoors. As a result, restrictions imposed during the pandemic have increasingly focused on solution with good results, where in the indoor context, constant emphasis is on face masks and reducing the number of people indoors to a minimum.

One subject area widely studied in the context of Covid-19 in 2020 is restriction of the spread of viral infections indoors. As a result, restrictions imposed during the pandemic have increasingly focused on solution with good results, where in the indoor context, constant emphasis is on face masks and reducing the number of people indoors to a minimum. Clearly these fundamental restrictions are self-explanatory – masks alter the diffusion profile of a person’s exhalation in a room, confining the diffusion of a potentially infectious individual’s exhalation within the smallest possible radius, whereas restricting the number of people reduces cumulative air pollution on an absolute level. Studies and statistics clearly show that the human body can protect itself from a small number of bacteria in the air, as well as a clear relationship between the seriousness of an individual’s illness and his or her susceptibility to the virus, which is directly related to the saturation of the virus in the air. Accordingly, one can confidently assert that the indoor air ventilation regime and volume as well as the use of face masks are a fundamental factor in restricting the spread of the virus.

By the way, the academic article published by the University of Cambridge1 on the use of air quality levels as a marker that can be easily measured technologically to assess indoor air hazards related to the spread of viral infections, including Covid-19, is especially noteworthy. This is one of the first clear solutions for air quality control, which can be controlled quite easily.

If public spaces are used during the pandemic, it is advisable that sectors, not yet required to do so by law, review the possibility of controlling the air quality in each room, which is not that expensive. Moreover, subsequently these panels can be connected in order to control radiators, for example.